
a barrel of salt blocks for the softener

Facts and Myths You Should Know About Water Softeners

You may think about the quality of the tap water in your home from time to time, and if you’ve done any bit of research, you’ve no doubt heard about water softeners. Water softeners are systems designed to remove calcium, magnesium, and other minerals from your “hard” tap water. Hard water simply means water that has a high concentration of these minerals.

Unfortunately, there are many myths about hard water and water softeners that can leave folks scratching their heads and wondering if it’s necessary to install a water softener. Fortunately, we here at Parobek Water Solutions are here to help dispel the myths about water softeners and deliver you the facts! Although Austin, TX has been commended for its superior water quality, the overall state of Texas still ranks sixth for having the hardest water in the United States.

FACT: Soft Water Is Better for Your Skin and Hair

Because hard water is high in calcium and magnesium, it coagulates with the fatty acids in your soap and can leave a chemical film on your skin and hair. Over time, this can contribute to dry and itchy skin and hair. Hard water is particularly problematic for people who have skin conditions such as eczema. If you notice that your tap water is making you feel dry and itchy, it may be time to consider installing a water softener.

MYTH: Drinking Hard Water Is Bad for Your Health

Though hard water can indeed be harmful to your skin and hair, drinking it is actually not bad for your general physical health. Multiple scientific studies have found that hard water does not cause any adverse effects on one’s health. In this sense, hard water is certainly more of a nuisance than a serious health hazard.

FACT: Water Softeners Are Good for Your Pipes, Appliances, Dishware, and Clothing

If your water’s hardness levels are too high (over 60 mg/L of calcium carbonate is considered hard), this can cause limescale buildup in faucets, sinks, and bathtubs and damage your pipes over the long term. Hard water can shorten the lifespan of your appliances, leave buildup on your dishes, and even cause the color of your clothing to fade faster.

MYTH: Water Softeners Are Harmful

Water softeners and soft water in and of themselves are not harmful to your health. While it is true that some members of the population may benefit from higher concentrations of magnesium and calcium and that a small number of people can be sensitive to the higher amounts of sodium in soft water, the health differences are negligible for the majority of people.

When it comes down to it, the choice to install a water softener will depend on your personal preferences and needs. If you want to talk about the benefits of installing a water softening system in your home and if it is right for you, give our Parobek Water Solutions team a call today at (512) 233-6308.